Jonathan Vella


Jonathan Vella

Co-Founder / Head of Product at Hotjar - With over 10 years experience working within design teams for web and desktop projects, Jonathan has held various UX roles including that of UX Lead & Senior front-end developer. He describes himself as a UX practitioner, design process freak and a die-hard Adobe Fireworks user.

Blog articles

UX design and analysis

5 UX mistakes that will make your visitors click the 'back' button

The very basis of UX Design is effective qualitative user research which is for the most part not achieved by reading - it's achieved by asking the right questions. When it comes to UX mistakes, more often than not it's the habits and processes we ourselves dictate that lead to a bad user experience. Let's explore some of the mistakes which might be easy to overlook but can have big negative consequences for your website.

Jonathan Vella

UX design and analysis

Form design: 10 tips on how to design a form that brings in conversions

Web forms have become an integral part of most websites and the internet in general. Their primary purpose is to help both users and businesses achieve their separate goals by establishing a relationship or initiating a conversation between the two.

- Registration forms are what allows people to become members of online communities or services. Think of Facebook - their 1 billion+ users all joined through a registration form;

- Checkout forms allow transactions to happen through the web. Subscribing to a paid service and people purchasing products are a couple of examples which happen through a checkout form;

- Data submission forms are how people share knowledge, post information and communicate online. Forums, blogs, and social communities all rely on users posting these forms for their websites to grow.

Even with their extensive importance online, it is surprisingly common to come across very poorly made forms - which is a shame. Here are some simple guidelines which are a good foundation for most types of forms.

First off, let’s explore what elements a form is made up of and some best practices.

Jonathan Vella

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