Live feedback on your site

Understand what users really think about your site with Feedback.

The best feedback is collected in-the-wild. Hear from users as they experience your site.

Over 6.6 million people have left Feedback

Prioritize what to work on next

With feedback scores on every page of your site, you’ll spot the pages that need improvement, fast.

Match feedback with recordings

Is a user experiencing a bug you can’t replicate? Simply load up their recording to view a live playback of their session.

Stop waiting for support tickets

Most users won’t write a support ticket unless they have to. Capture feedback to spot problems before they develop.

Try Feedback

See the red feedback button on the right hand of the page? That’s Feedback!

Start capturing feedback

Over 6.6 million people have left Feedback across 180+ countries. It’s free, forever.

No credit card required

Unlimited feedback widgets on paid plans

Store feedback forever

Privacy icon

GDPR- & CCPA-ready

Three other features available on every Hotjar plan

Incoming Feedback is powerful alone, but even better when used alongside these features.

Here's how others use Incoming Feedback

A few more reasons to try Hotjar’s Incoming Feedback

Unlimited feedback widgets

Want to collect feedback on every page? No problem. There’s no cap on our paid plans.

Feedback in 40+ languages

Incoming Feedback comes ready localized in 40+ languages.

Easy installation

Set up Incoming Feedback across your site using just one script.

No storage limits

Look back at feedback over the previous weeks, months, and years with unlimited storage.

Collect feedback after an action

Want feedback from new signups? Gather feedback once a user completes an action. 

Share, comment, & integrate

Send feedback using a public link, tag a teammate in the comments, or integrate with Slack.

Start capturing feedback

Over 6.6 million people have left Feedback across 180+ countries. It’s free, forever.

No credit card required

Unlimited feedback widgets on paid plans

Store feedback forever

Privacy icon

GDPR- & CCPA-ready